2019 Annual Meet the Need Dinner Honors the Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club

The Elizabeth Seton Residence of Wellesley Hills is pleased to announce they will be holding their Annual Meet the Need Dinner on Thursday, October 10, 2019 at the Wellesley Country Club. This year they are honoring the Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club – a long-time supporter of the Elizabeth Seton Residence.

Lori Ferrante, Administrator at the Elizabeth Seton Residence, tells us, “We chose to honor the Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club not only for their tireless commitment to volunteerism here but also for their continued generous grant support. Their time and effort make a significant difference in the lives of all our residents and we are extremely grateful for all they do.” In addition, the Elizabeth Seton Residence welcomes the opportunity to honor the Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club for their outstanding service to the community and for making a difference to so many not for profit organizations. Adds Ferrante, “We are fortunate that so many volunteers from our local community share their joyful spirit of kindness, compassion and respect – helping to make life better for seniors who appreciate a gentle touch or a smile to make their day”.

Local real estate professional and former television personality Teri Adler will emcee the event with entertainment provided by the popular Bo Winiker Jazz Trio. The program for the evening will include a cocktail hour, silent auction, dinner, raffle prizes and more. The event is open to the public and tickets can be purchased on the Elizabeth Seton Residence website – www.elizabethseton.org – or by contacting Judith Coogan at jcoogan@schalifax.org or 781-997-1351.